Services and Programs
"Do the best that you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better."
-Maya Angelou
Umoja Health, Wellness and Justice Collective offers a multifaceted system of supports to address the complex mental health and substance misuse issues in our community, especially among Black and Latine communities. All services are culturally-aligned and trauma-informed.

HOPE 4 the Future
Umoja's HOPE (Healing Our Past Experiences) 4 the Future is a free prevention-based after school and summer camp for school aged children and teens. It provides a safe space for youth to gather, unpack and begin healing from trauma.
This program is trauma-informed, culturally aligned and knows that by reaching these youth now, they are more likely to avoid risky behaviors such as substance use and violence, in their future. The youth get snacks, homework tutoring and opportunities for dance, making beats in the studio, assisting with a iHeart radio show, and access to the weight room.
All after school and summer camps require registration by a parent or guardian.
Community Paramedic Peer Support Specialists
Umoja Peer Supports form part of the Buncombe County Community Paramedic Team. They help in two arenas: with the Post-Overdose-Response-Team (PORT) and with Medicated-Assisted-Treatment (MAT) team. The MAT team is able to start treatment on location. Then Peer Support workers follow up with patients in 24 hours to develop trust, provide support, and help coordinate appointments and transportation for up to five days.
The peer continues to make contact with the patient until there is a warm hand-off to MAHEC, where the patient will receive free access to suboxone and mental health resources for one year. The peers are an integral part of the program, creating authentic pathways for members of less visible populations to access free life saving care through trusted, long standing relationships in the community. The peers bring diversity and life experience into the MAT pilot in this unprecedented interdisciplinary effort between public safety and the community.

Foundations for Healing
This support group is open anyone seeking understanding and healing for themselves, their partners and their families due to harm they have caused through:
physical acts of aggression and violence, whether or not charges were sought
controlling, jealous or possessive behaviors
thoughts that your relationship is heading in an unhealthy direction.
Many people who struggle in their relationships are unaware of how past traumas have affected their current state. Understanding the link between trauma and conflict, violence, and anger is key to the healing process.
This class, led by Certified Peer Support Specialists with similar lived experiences, will give you a good understanding of how you got where you are so you can hold yourself accountable for the harm you have caused and begin to heal yourself and your relationships. Tools to support healthy relationships and build resilience will be shared.
This class required registration.
Rebuilding through Healing
This group is for anyone who has experienced harm or noticed these red flags in their intimate partner relationships including:
physical harm
worries that physical harm may happen
money struggles due to your partner
controlling partners
loss of contact with friends and family because of a controlling partner
verbal harm and name calling
other behaviors that make you worry about your safety, the safety of your children and the health of your relationship
This class requires registration.